Parents’ Right to Withdraw from Religious Education (RE)

At King’s Academy Lord Wilson, we value Religious Education (RE) as an important part of our pupils’ development, helping them explore a variety of concepts and their link to religion. However, we recognise that parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from RE lessons, either fully or partially, in accordance with government guidelines. If you choose to exercise this right, the process is straightforward:

  • Parents or guardians must make a formal request in writing to the Headteacher, outlining their decision to withdraw and specifying if it is from all or part of the RE curriculum.
  • The school will acknowledge the request and arrange a meeting, if necessary, to discuss any concerns or clarify the impact of withdrawal.
  • Alternative arrangements will be made for your child during RE lessons, ensuring they are supervised and engaged in other educational activities.
  • Please note that this right also extends to aspects of RE taught within other subjects or assemblies. We encourage open communication, so feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or need further information. If you are unsure about what we are teaching and why we would like to have the opportunity to talk this through with you.,/li.
  • We aim to support all students and their families while respecting their individual beliefs